Lessons in leadership from Tim Duncan, Richie McCaw, a Wall Street Journalist and Jesus. Also, an invitation to join a group of parents to pray for our community.
In the last few weeks I have had the privilege of watching our senior students finding their feet as student leaders in our community. Much admired leaders on our Year 9 Camps, sharing wise advice as Last Word speakers in our assembly, House Captains during athletics day and more.
In our last Chapel we looked at the lessons in leadership Wall Street journalist Sam Walker gained from analysing the most successful sports teams ever. In his book "The Captain Class" Sam concludes that the single factor linking these teams were their Captains who possessed seven unique qualities. We focused on their willingness to do the thankless jobs in Chapel.
The great captains lowered themselves in relation to the group whenever possible in order to earn the moral authority to drive them forward in tough moments. ... The easiest way to lead, it turns out, is to serve. - Sam Walker
Whether it's Richie's mantra of "the tackle's not completed until I'm back on my feet" or Tim Duncan's position choice and willingness to drop pay to get the best team - each of the captains of these highly successful teams all put their teams first. On first reading Sam's quote I was immediately reminded of Jesus' words some 2000 years earlier in John 13. In one of his final moments with his disciples before his death he emphasises the importance of this. Jesus shocks his disciples as he stoops to the most thankless of tasks - washing their dusty sweaty feet after many hours walking. In response to their astonished questioning he replies:
“You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.”
In Chapel I left our senior students a challenge to consider how they can serve this way. To our younger students I challenged them to begin building these habits now - that they may aspire to walk in the steps of our excellent group of Prefects and House Captains recently announced this year.
As Chaplain I get perhaps a greater peek into just how many in our community serve in this way. Tutors, parent help on camp, sports team management, staff going above and beyond, board members, our parent and friend association, alumni, coaches and many more all give of their time resources and skills tirelessly and often quietly and unrecognised. You give that our boys may be given every chance to grow in character and ability. I would like to take this opportunity to offer a huge thank you to you all on behalf of our students.
In amongst those serving our community I know there are many who pray regularly for our school and students. I would love to invite those who would be keen to gather and pray together for their boys and the wider school to join me on Tuesday March 19th. We will meet 7pm in the Parents & Friends Room (upstairs in the Edgar Learning Centre). If you have any questions I would love to hear from you: mike.brown@mcglashan.school.nz.