South Island Secondary Schools Mountain Biking.

Saturday 4th May 2024

Great results on the mountain.

With over 500 entries from schools all over the South Island Mcglashan had its largest team ever, of fourteen riders competing in downhill, cross country and enduro held in perfect, sunny and dry conditions at Coronet Peak.Very competitive competition, some of the best riders in the country, at Coronet Peak. Harrison Chapman, Harvey Hunt, Oscar Chapman, Connor Bond, Jamie Bradfield, Haydn Finlay, Daniel Grieve, Fletcher Ho, James Wells, Angus Hollows, Benji Dempster, Jono Hansen and Jeremy Dempster and Felix Devlin raced in their choices of the three events. Harrison Chapman gained a third place in the U13 crosscountry and Daniel Grieve 7th and Oscar Chapman 8th in the U16, from a very large field.

Good results in the downhill, with Connor Bond taking the best results getting 5th out of over 80 riders in the U16 event.

We had seven riders in the enduro event and all finished well Oscar Chapman our top finisher in 8th place, out of a field of around 70 riders in the U16.

A big thanks to all the parents who helped, fed, mechaniced, transported and marshalled at the event and we are looking forward to next year and building more on these results and even the Nationals in October.

Ride safely.

Hayden Findlay racing Enduro
Jono Hansen racing
Jeremy and Jono ready for downhill.
Hayden Finlay racing.
The enduro team.