Heading towards week one of the College's structured distance learning programme starting Monday 23 August.
Kia ora Koutou,
We hope that you are all well and that you've had a few restful days with your families and others in your bubble. The lockdown routines are well established by the Government and now we look towards initiating our structured distance learning programme.
Here is the plan for the College's structured distance learning programme starting on Monday, 23 August. It is likely that we will be in either level 4 or level 3 for the entirety of that week. In level 3, school is only open for those students whose parents are essential workers.
The main points to note for next week are as follows:
- From Monday, 23 August we will run with timetabled periods 1-4 every day.
- New truncated timetables are viewable on KAMAR.
- The timings for each lesson are the same as during a normal week.
- Form time will be on Monday (8:40am), Wednesday (9:15am) and Friday (8:40am) for 10 mins
- Core subject teachers will have a minimum of two online face-to-face lessons with students per week and will set offline tasks to complete between times.
- Teachers will be in touch with their classes to inform their students of the plan for Monday.
- Google classroom will be used to share all learning tasks.
- Fortnightly engagement feedback will be sent out to parents - similar to the fortnightly grades that we do ordinarily.
- The usual pastoral care support is available through Form Teachers, Deans, Daryl and Barry as needed
- Craig Knights has some spare laptops and some IT equipment if you need them due to limited capacity or breakdowns. Please contact him directly.
Expectations for Students
- Dedicate appropriate time to learning, as guided by your teachers.
- Check Google Classroom for information on courses, assignments, resources daily.
- Check and read your emails every day.
- Attend all timetabled classes offered by each of their teachers - a roll will be taken.
- Identify a comfortable and quiet space to study/learn.
- Engage in all learning posted with academic honesty.
- Submit all assignments in accordance with the provided timeline and due dates.
- Ensure your own social and emotional balance by keeping healthy habits.
- Be up and dressed ready for your scheduled classes.
- Ensure your camera stays on for the duration of the scheduled class.
Recommendations for Parents
Support your child(ren) in their learning by:
- Providing an environment conducive to learning (access to technology, safe and quiet space during daytime).
- Engaging in conversations on posted materials, assignments.
- Monitoring time spent engaging in online and offline learning, including variables like that of preferred learning times (morning, afternoon, evening).
- Encouraging attendance, as much as possible, to the regular synchronous engagements offered by each of their teachers.
- Accessing the College Library’s digital resources via the ePlatform app
- Supporting emotional balance by providing ample room and time for reflection, physical activity, conversation, and play.
Further updates will come next week as we receive guidance from the Ministry.
Ngā mihi nui,
Brendan Porter
Assistant Principal