Sunday 4th February 2024

The Ministry of Education has begun to clarify the expectations of the nationwide school "phone ban".

All state schools must implement a phone rule that has student phones ‘away for the day’ as soon as possible in Term 1 2024 and no later than the start of Term 2 2024.

The Government has introduced regulations to put this requirement in place. These can be found at:

Education (School Boards) Amendment Regulations 2023 – Parliamentary Counsel Office

During Term 1, the MoE will provide resources that schools will use to support students and whānau to understand the rules. These will be published on the MoE website later this month.

From term, 2 ERO will begin monitoring compliance.

Students at JMC were informed at the first assembly of the year that phones were to be "away for the day". This is from the time they arrive at school, until they depart at the end of the day. We will ensure parents and students are kept informed once the MoE provides further information.