Monday 29th May 2023

Continuing with John McGlashan College's strong tradition of public speaking, our Year 7s and 8s recently competed in our annual Prepared Reading Competition.

With the support of their teachers, boys took time to choose a passage from a book that they thought would be exciting to perform, and then set about learning how to deliver the passage to a live audience in the most engaging way they could. Expression and dynamics were strongly emphasised, along with gesture, facial expression, and connecting with the audience.

After competing against their class, each form class put forward their top three readers for the final. This was held in the Chapel last Friday afternoon with special guest judges, Tash McLennan and Kimberly Fridd in attendance. The performances were simply outstanding and the audience was highly engaged throughout, thanks to the exemplary finalists who showed impressive courage and enthusiasm on stage.

Our top three were only separated by 1 point. In 3rd place with his tense and captivating performance of Ron, Hermione and Harry from 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkiban', was Toby Ellis (8RMI, front-left in photo). In 2nd place, Hugo Beeby held the audience's attention throughout his thrilling excerpt of 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets' (8AHO, front-right in photo). And in 1st place, Ruan Hamman, with his haunting and moving recital from Elie Wiesel's 'Night' (8AHO, front-centre in photo).

Well done to all the finalists. We can't wait for next year's competition.