Thursday 24th February 2022

Training for new student librarians is off to a great start. The team is ably led by Head Librarian Rylan Uquhart and Senior Librarians Kaleb Durant, Zac Brooking and Jacob Cushen.17 junior boys have signed up to be part of the library workforce in 2022.

Librarians Alex, Tommy and Finn Pre-Covid 
Librarians Alex, Tommy and Finn Pre-Covid 
Rylan Urquhart - Head Librarian 2022 — Image by: Pam Garry
Kaleb Durant - Senior Librarian — Image by: Pam Garry
Zac Brooking - Senior Librarian   — Image by: Pam Garry
Jacob Cushen - Senior Librarian — Image by: Pam Garry

The JMC library year always begins with a hiss and a roar. Over 2000 books have been returned from the Summer Reading Programme and books have been flying off the shelves ever since.

Our Library Webpage has all the latest library news. We have a fabulous selection of new titles on the shelves or you can read or listen to ebooks and audiobooks on the Wheelers ePlatform. New titles are added every month here too. Getting started is easy - just click on the link above and sign in. Students use their student ID to log on and will be given the password in class. Please talk to our library staff if you have any questions. 


Image by: Pam Garry

One thing librarians do not like doing is sending out Overdues. It is time-consuming and takes us away from what we do best ... matching the boys with the books. With help from the experts at Accessit, we have now automated the Overdues system. Apart from the usual verbal reminders when boys are in the library, we will send a succession of emails; the first to the student, the second to the form teacher and the student, and finally, to the parents. We will only send an account for lost items as a last resort. Our main objective is to get the books back into circulation for the boys to read! We greatly appreciate your help in this matter as we all need reminding occasionally.

Happy reading.

Pam Garry

Library Manager