Wednesday 20th March 2024

Embarking on an educational journey into the depths of marine ecosystems and diving homeostasis, the Level 3 Biology students recently immersed themselves in a captivating biology snorkelling trip to Wellers Rock.

Biology snorkelling trip
Biology snorkelling trip

Beneath the glistening surface of the ocean on a serene and sun-kissed day, this expedition offered a firsthand exploration into the wonders of marine life. As the students donned their snorkels and fins, they ventured into the pristine waters teeming with biodiversity. The marine environment unfolded before their eyes, revealing a kaleidoscope of colours and an array of fascinating creatures such as wrasse and triplefins. Amidst the underwater landscape, the students encountered an unexpected spectacle: a bustling congregation of Mundia shrimp, delicately gliding through the azure waters. However, their peaceful existence was soon disrupted by the sudden appearance of red-billed gulls, swooping down to feast upon the unsuspecting crustaceans. Witnessing this interplay between predator and prey provided valuable insights into the delicate balance of marine ecosystems. Yet, amidst the awe-inspiring beauty of nature, the students also encountered reminders of the human impact on the marine environment. Along the seabed and nestled among the coral formations, traces of human presence were evident in the form of discarded bottles and tangled fishing lines. Recognising the importance of environmental stewardship, the students took action to mitigate these impacts, diligently collecting the debris, and removed it from the ecosystem. This snorkelling trip not only provided an immersive learning experience but also fostered a deeper appreciation for the intricate complexities of marine ecosystems. Moreover, an appreciation for some aspects of the effects of snorkelling on thermoregulation and respiratory gases was gained, thus assisting the students with their homeostasis internal write-up. 

A wholehearted thanks to instructor Jayden from DiveOtago and to Marissa and Michelle for arranging STAR funding for the trip.