The 2023 house haka competition was held earlier this week.
It was great to see all the energy that everyone gave to the house haka competition earlier this week. With the focus this year being about accuracy it was impressive to see the work that everyone had put in. Every house showed excellent improvement since the last competition.
We were privileged to have 3 excellent judges who generously gave up their time to come along. E rere kau atu ana ngā mihi ki a Koreana Wesley-Evans rātou ko Ben Hayward ko Alex Martyn. Nā rātou te kaupapa i tino tautoko.
Congratulations go to Ross house for taking first place in the haka this year. Special mention must also go to Serge Meeuws who won the overall Kaea award and led the full school haka at the end of the event.
We look forward to continuing to refine and strengthen our haka skills over the years to come.