Fete - Request for Donations

Sunday 13th August 2023

The countdown is on. Fete 2023 is just under 4 weeks away, on September 9th from 11 am until 2 pm.

We are needing donations of the following items.

Used Toys, clothing, designer clothing, shoes, sports gear, uniforms, white elephant goods, books and anything too good to throw out. (not electrical goods)
These can be dropped off at the shed beside the containers located on the far end of the boys' hostel. (look out for the flags)
The shed is open between 7 am and 8 pm ready for you to drop off your items.

We are still needing help on the day. If you are able to help please click on the following link
https://tinyurl.com/5rpp8ck5 or contact us jmcfetehelpers@gmail.com

Thank you once again for your support.