Wednesday 18th August 2021

Covid-19 Lockdown Level Four Update

Dear McGlashan Community,

As you will be aware the government announced on Tuesday 17 August, that we will be going into Level 4 Lockdown for the next three days. The school and the boarding house will be closed for the remainder of this week.

The students in the hostel have gone home and the community has banded together to care for our international students also.

As per last time, the first priority is for you and your families to settle into your home routines.

All field trips, sports practices, games, and exchanges, meetings, appointments, and other calendared events between now and Friday have been cancelled.

There will be no requirement for structured distance learning in this initial phase. However, some students may have assignments, set work, and homework to continue with.

The pastoral care team are all available via email and phone as required.

We will be in touch following any further government announcements.

In the meantime, look after yourselves and your families.

Ngā mihi,

Senior Leadership Team