This week a series of NCEA assessments have taken place for our Year 10 Students. These are the new NCEA co-requisite assessments for Numeracy and Literacy.
I would like to take this opportunity to extend my gratitude to the army of volunteers that came in this week to assist some of our students with these assessments.
We are incredibly lucky as a school community that we have so many parents, grandparents, friends and family who are willing to give their time and skills to support the students in so many different ways.
While we have a couple of times throughout the year where we need to rally the troops (NCEA senior benchmark exams, Junior exams and now the co-requisite assessments) this volunteer support is required throughout the year.
We have a small group of parents who regularly pop into school to support students as reader/writers and we are really grateful for this ongoing support.
If you are interested in being part of this group, please feel free to contact Penny Ferguson (Learning Support Administration) to find out more.
Our students are very lucky to have these levels of support around them, but it could not happen without our wonderful McGlashan Community.